Rhyming Poem

Poem About A Loveable Guard Dog

A story based on a real dog who still watches over our yard in his own way.

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Oh my, Peter...in all the years that I have been reading about dogs, the poems, tales and stories always made me smile. Tonight though, reading your poem for the first time, something...

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The Ballad Of Rum

© more by Peter R Wolveridge

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2015 with permission of the Author.

A dog wandered into our garden one day,
A friendly old mutt, didn't look like a stray.
We never discovered whence he had come,
But we brushed him and fed him and the kids called him Rum.

Now as family members, even dogs must work hard,
So we put Rum on duty next door in our yard,
Bright eyed and watchful by night and by day,
But not much of a guard dog, I'm sorry to say.

He barked at the cats and he'd bark at a toad,
He barked at the cattle outside on the road,
He barked at the horses - so where did he fail?
You see, Rum liked people, and he just wagged his tail.

He liked the yard labour, an amiable bunch.
They fed our dog tidbits and scraps from their lunch.
Rum wolfed it all down, but to our dismay
He seemed to get fatter with each passing day.

Then one night when Rum was laid at his ease,
A burglar crept in just as quiet as you please.
He saw no alarms, heard no siren howling,
No guard dog for sure, there'd be barking and growling.

But Rum was awake and he'd seen him alright,
Delighted with company this time of the night,
He flew through the yard, his new friend to greet,
And his weight bowled the burglar right off of his feet.

The intruder got up and ran off with a wail
And Rum right behind him still wagging his tail.
He departed the yard he'd come in to burgle
Like a champion athlete clearing a hurdle.

But Rum couldn't jump gates, so sadly instead
He picked up the thief's wallet and went back to bed.
Next morning the evidence everyone viewed,
When Rum brought it to us, (just a little bit chewed).

Once given the wallet, the police didn't fail
To capture the burglar and put him in jail.
His confession like wildfire spread through the town,
How a big vicious guard dog had knocked the thief down.

We all howled with laughter when we heard the story,
And Rum was our hero, he was basking in glory.
There's been no attempts since to burgle our yard,
For everyone knows now that Rum is on guard.



Writing poetry began for me in school and has continued on and off since then. I have a collection of unpublished poems written by my father; my mother did not write but encouraged me to read and memorise poetry from an early age. Educated in England I studied and worked as a marine engineer, travelling to many countries. I have now retired to...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mariek Van Den Heuvel by Mariek Van Den Heuvel
  • 2 years ago

Oh my, Peter...in all the years that I have been reading about dogs, the poems, tales and stories always made me smile. Tonight though, reading your poem for the first time, something happened inside and I just had to read it out loud to my dog Bella. Thank you so, so much for this diamond. I will survive on the joy it brought for weeks!

  • Labrighter by Labrighter
  • 3 years ago

Oh my!!!! I loved it! I just started introducing my children to poetry; and this is the first time I've come across familyandfriendpoems.com. I read "The Ballad of Rum" to my children and broke it down for their comprehension. I must say...we had a great time.

  • Hirendra Kumar Meher by Hirendra Kumar Meher
  • 3 years ago

Such a humorous poem! I would like to read it again and again. So beautiful a quatrain with easy flowing rhyme! I must say it's a light-hearted, comical narrative poem.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 6 years ago

This poem was brilliant. We all had a giggle with very touched hearts. Even reminded us of our golden retriever, Sandy. So thanks again, it was brilliant.

This poem is so adorable. What a great story and what a well written, terrific poem. This poet has true talent, not only as a poet but also as a great story teller. Love this.

  • Dylan Stafford by Dylan Stafford
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem! It is a special poem to have read. Peter Wolveridge is a great poet.

  • William Holmes by William Holmes, Northern Ireland
  • 8 years ago

This is a great poem. It rhymes well. It's amusing and interesting. I wonder, is it true?

Hi William. This is based on a real dog, a soft and friendly golden retriever. The part about the thief, I'm afraid is just a product of my fevered imagination. Thank you for the kind comments.

That is such a good poem. My husband had a large Doberman. Everyone was afraid of this dog, but he would lay on the floor with our children and let them pull on his ears. My Husband said he would probably greet the thief at the door and help him carry our belongings away.
Jac Judy Campbell

Hi Jac Judy! Always good to hear from you. I like your story, and it says good things about your husband's character in owning such a friendly-natured dog. Old Rum has died now, but we used to say the biggest danger from him was being licked to death. Best wishes, Peter

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